По всем вопросам повестки дня внеочередного общего собрания акционеров имеют право голоса what is extraordinary general meeting владельцы обыкновенных акций Общества. Лица, имеющих право на участие во новости форекс внеочередном общем собрании акционеров ПАО «СИЗ» определяются (фиксируются) по состоянию на «08» октября 2018 года.
What is the difference between general meeting and extraordinary general meeting?
An extraordinary general meeting is any general meeting of the body corporate that is not the annual general meeting. They can be held at any time of the year. A body corporate can have as many or as few extraordinary general meetings as it wants.
What are the minutes of a meeting?
Minutes are written as an accurate record of a group's meetings, and a record of decisions taken. They are useful because people can forget what was decided at a meeting if there is no written record of the proceedings. Minutes can also inform people who were not at the meeting about what took place.